There is a College Development Council in the University comprising the following :-
- Vice-Chancellor (Chairman)
- Commissioner/Secretary, Higher Education Department, J&K Government
- Chairman, J&K State Board of School Education
- Deans of Faculties of Arts, Science, Commerce, Social Sciences, Education and Dean Academic Affairs
- Professors of the University to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor by rotation
- Director/Dean College Development Council, University of Kashmir, Srinagar
- Principals of the affiliated colleges to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor by rotation
- Teachers of the affiliated colleges to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor by rotation
- Director College Development Council
- Registrar
- Controller of Examinations;
The members of the College Development Council other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a period of three years.
The functions of the College Development council shall be as follows :-
- The College Development Council shall serve as an academic guide to the college system on the one hand and on the other hand to ensure availability and use of facilities in the University Departments to the teachers in the colleges.
- The College Development Council will take all steps as it may think fit for the promotion, coordination and raising the standard of education in colleges.
For the purposes of performance of its functions it will -
- Function as a policy making body in regard to proper planning and integrated development of colleges;
- Get surveys conducted of all affiliated colleges with a view to preparing and maintaining an up-to-date profile on each college affiliated to the University, reviewing the existing facilities and identifying the needs and gaps that need to be filled up for the development of colleges and make such information available to the UGC and other concerned bodies
- Advise the University on all matters relating to development of affiliated colleges such as provision of adequate facilities - academic and physical - for raising thereof learning, teaching and research standard and its periodical evaluation for enabling the University to maintain reasonable continuity of policy in regard to the development of colleges
- Prepate perspective plan for the development and opening of new colleges to enable the University and State Education authorities to take long term decisions on the planning and development of colleges and may advise the University on matters relating to different disciplines taught in colleges at different levels of Univesity education;
- Advise the University in regard to rationalization and implementation of University policy on affiliation of colleges;
- >Help the University in the implementation of the regulations framed by the UGC regarding minimum standard of instruction for the award of first degree and also regarding restructuring of courses at the undergraduate level;
- Help in the selective development of colleges, to remove regional imbalances and also assist the colleges to realize their potential and in identification of colleges for autonomous status
- Evaluate and assess the impact of UGC grants utilized by the Colleges for the improvement of various development projects
- Ensure close and continued contact and other interactions between the academic faculties at the University teaching departments and at the colleges and to perform such other functions as may be prescribed or as may be deemed necessary by the University for advancing the cause of collegiate education.