About University

Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
FIST%20Project%20Completion%20Report%20%28Dr%20Rakesh%20Kumar%20and%20Prof%20Seema%20Langer%29.pdf Yearly Project Report for Utilization of DST-FIST Support, Date and Ref. No. of DST Sanction Letter: No. SR/FST/LS-1/2018/141(C) Dated: 27/12/2019 Submitted to the Department of Science and Technology (Government of India). FIST%20UC.pdf FIST project Utilization certificate. Co- PI (Dr. Rakesh Kumar) and PI (Prof. Seema Langer)
DIQA%20Project%20Report.pdf Diversity and Taxonomy of Terrestrial Isopods from Jammu Division (J&K). Sanction order no. 3977-92 Dated 23rd January 2023. DIQA%20UC.pdf DIQA project Utilization certificate. (PI- Prof. Seema Langer)
RUSA%20Project%20Report%20%28Dr.%20Seema%20Langer%2C%20Professor%29.pdf Diversity and Taxonomy of Terrestrial Isopods from Jammu Division (J&K) (PI- Prof. Seema Langer)
ICMR%20Project%20Report.pdf Project title: Human pulmonary paragonimiasis in crab eating communities and smear negative suspected TB cases from some states of India.(PI- Prof. Seema Langer; Co-PI- Dr. Rakesh Panjaliya) Date of Start: 15/10/2018 End of Project: 15/10/2023; Duration: Five years; Objective of the proposal: Paragonimus metacercariae recovery and crab Identification from various states of India. ICMR%20UC.pdf ICMR project Utilization certificate.
Seed%20grant%20under%20RUSA.pdfProject title: Biochemical estimation of rotifers of family Brachionidae, SEED GRANT under RUSA 2.0; Grant- 1 Lakh Rupees; PI- Dr. Sarbjeet Kour
GRANT%20released%20%288th%20March%202023%29.pdfProject title: Polymorphism in Zooplankton of Jammu waters) Sanction order RA/238110-8117 Dated 8th March 2023); Grant- 2 Lakh Rupees; PI- Dr. Sarbjeet Kour
Dr%20Arti%20Dogra%20%28Sanction%20Project%20Dated%208th%20March%202023%29.pdf Title of project- Biosorption: A sustainable approach in remediation of toxic heavy metals from Industrial waste water/synthetically prepared solution using snail shell dust and fish scales (Sanction order no. dated 8th March 2023). Total project cost Rs 2 lakhs, Utilization certificate copy also attached. (PI- Dr. Arti Dogra)
Dr%20Arti%20Dogra%20%28Sanction%20Project%20Dated%205th%20November%202019%29.pdfTitle of the project: Ecobiology of Tatta paani thermal spring of Padder, Kishtwar (J&K), Sanction order no. RUSAJU/2/2019-2020/36/3428-3499 dated 5th November 2019; Total project cost Rs 1 lakh. Utilization certificate copy also attached. (PI- Dr. Arti Dogra)
Dr%20Arti%20Dogra%20%28Sanction%20Project%20Dated%2028th%20February%202019%29.pdfTitle of the project: Ecobiology of thermal spring of Jammu (J&K), Sanction order no. RA/19/5907-18 dated 28th February 2019; Total project cost Rs 55000. Utilization certificate copy also attached. (PI- Dr. Arti Dogra)
Research%20and%20seed%202023-2024-1-7.pdfTitle of project: Survey and Identification of entomopathogenic nematodes from university campus and its adjoining areas.Sanction order no. RA/23/7148-55 dated 23/01/2023.Total project cost Rs 200000/-Utilization certificate copy also attached ( PI-Dr Ripu Daman Parihar)
Seed%20grant%202023-2024-1-7.pdfStudy of Galleria mellonella and its mass rearing in the laboratory on artificial culture.Sanction order no. RA/23/5045-5055 dated 19/01/2023.Total project cost Rs 100000/-Utilization certificate copy also attached ( PI-Dr Ripu Daman Parihar)
seed%20grant%20%282018-2023%29%20UC%20and%20report%20%28Dr%20Chinmoyee%20Maharana%29_0.pdf Discovery of miRNAs candidates for molecular diagnostics in Alzheimer's disease, Sanction order no. RA/23/5056-66 dated 19/01/2023.Total project cost Rs 1 lakh. Utilization certificate copy also attached ( PI-Dr Chinmoyee Maharana)
seed%20grant%20%282018-2023%29%20UC%20and%20report%20%28Dr%20Chinmoyee%20Maharana%29%20Rs%202%20lakhs_0.pdf Unravelling roles of miRNAs in understanding Alzheimer's disease, Sanction order no. RA/23/7140-47 dated 23/01/2023.Total project cost Rs 2 lakhs. Utilization certificate copy also attached ( PI-Dr Chinmoyee Maharana)
Name | Designation | Qualification | Specialization | Contact Info. |
Prof. Seema Langer | Professor & Head | M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D | Fish, Prawn, Crab, Taxonomy, Culture, Parasitology | E-mail: hodzooluniversityofjammu@gmail.com, langerseema@yahoo.co.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9906027016 |
Prof. Roopma Gandotra | Professor | M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D | Aquaculture, Fish Biology, Endocrinology& Microbiology | E-mail: roopmagandotra@jammuuniversity.ac.in, roopmagandotra08@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419192591 |
Dr. Arti Sharma | Assistant Professor | M.Sc., Ph.D | Aquatic Ecology, Insect Diversity, Aquaculture & Toxicology | E-mail: arti.sharma68@yahoo.co.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419131914 |
Dr. Parvinder Kumar | Assistant Professor | M.Sc., Ph.D | Human Genetics, Molecular Biology Medical/ clinical genetics Population genetic | E-mail: parvinderkb2003@yahoo.co.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419195384 |
Dr. Sarbjeet Kour | Assistant Professor | M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. | Limnology, Aquatic biology, Ecology & Zooplanktology | E-mail: drsarbjeetkour@gmail.com, sarbj1977@yahoo.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419128802 |
Dr. Rakesh Kumar | Assistant Professor | M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph. D. | Animal/Human Cytogenetics, Human genetics, Molecular biology, Cancer Genetics, DNA Barcoding | E-mail: rakeshpanjaliya@jammuuniversity.ac.in, rakesh_chinab@yahoo.co.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419155790 |
Dr. Ripu Daman Parihar | Assistant Professor | B.Sc, M.Sc.,Ph.D., | E-mail: ripuparihar@jammuuniversity.ac.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9596733127 | |
Dr. Raman Jasrotia | Contractual Faculty | M.Sc, M.phil, Ph.D | E-mail: drraman.jasrotia@jammuuniversity.ac.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9906079611 | |
Dr. Pankaj Chibber | Contractual Faculty | M.Sc, Ph.D | E-mail: drpankajchibber@jammuuniversity.ac.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 8493855865 | |
Dr. Chinmoyee Maharana | Assistant Professor | B.Sc, M.Sc.,Ph.D., | E-mail: chinmoyee.maharana@jammuuniversity.ac.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9717961237 |