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Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
Course No. PSSOTC101
Title: Classical Sociological Tradition
Objective: Classical Sociological Tradition exemplifies the foundation of Sociology as a discipline. It provides the students with an understanding of the seminal ideas of classical social thinkers as well as familiarizes them with their contribution to the emergence and growth of Sociology.
Course Outcome:
Course No. PSSOTC102
Title: Understanding Indian Society
Objective: Understanding Indian Society is a challenging task given its complex institutional and social practices embedded in its structure and function. This course introduces the students to the concepts, institutions and organization of Indian society by analyzing their linkages and the complex social and cultural processes of Contemporary India.
Course Outcomes:
Course No. PSSOTC103
Title: Sociology of Family, Kinship and Marriage
Objective: To familiarize the students with the social importance of Family and kinship structure and the types of networks of relationships created by genealogical links of marriage and other social ties. The course also intends to make the students understand the study of kinship systems in different ethnographic settings. It would also provide exposure to the students to different approaches, issues and debates in kinship, marriage and family studies.
Course Outcomes:
Course No. PSSOTC104
Title: Social Stratification & Mobility
Objective: The paper aims to familiarize the students with the meaning, elements, forms and theories of Social Stratification. Social stratification implies unequal placement of groups in terms of position, rewards, assets and power. Social mobility is a process of change in society. Besides understanding the conceptual and theoretical framework, students will be made to understand the nature, types, forms and dimensions of Social Stratification and related concepts of Social Mobility.
Course outcomes:
Course No. PSSOTC201
Title: Methodology of Social Sciences
Objective: The course intends to acquaint the students with the Methodology, Scientific Methods and tools in Social Research besides training them to collect data (both quantitative and qualitative) thus teaching them the skill of researching them. It further helps to train the students of Sociology in basic methods which apply to sociological problems and data analysis.
Course Outcomes:
Course No. PSSOTC202
Title: Sociological Theory
Objective: This course is intended to introduce the students to the substantive, theoretical and methodological issues which have shaped Sociological thinking in the latter half of the 20th century, and which continue to concern the practitioners of Sociology today. The main focus of this course will be on structural, functional, conflict and interactionist theories.
Course Outcome:
Course No. PSSOTC203
Title: Environment and Sustainable Development
Objective: The course aims to provide the students with a conceptual, theoretical and empirical background to the issues of Environment and Sustainable Development. The course seeks to understand the emergence of sustainable development, environmentalism and environmental movements from theoretical and conceptual perspectives.
Course Outcomes:
Course No. PSSOTC204
Title: Sociology of Change and Development
Objective: Social change has always been a central concern of sociological study. The objective of the course is to introduce the changes that have taken place in the Social Structure, Cultural values and Institutions in India. The course is designed to provide a conceptual and theoretical understanding of social change and development as it has emerged in sociological writings. The course focuses on issues of social development in modern India, social development of disadvantaged groups and current debates in modern India.
Course Outcomes:
Course No. PSSOTC301
Title: Contemporary Sociological Theory
Objective: This course is intended to introduce the students to the substantive, theoretical and methodological issues which have shaped sociological thinking in the latter half of the 20th century. The main focus of this course is on Phenomenology, Ethnomethodology, Neo- Functionalism and neo-marxism and some current trends like Post Structuralism, & Post Modernism.
Course Outcomes:
Course No. PSSOTC302
Title: Statistics and Methods in Social Research
Objective: The course intends to familiarize the students with the Scientific Methods and tools in Social Research. The main focus of this course is to acquaint the students with basic statistical methods which apply to Sociological problems and data analysis. It also intends to train the students with the different computer applications and their use in the Research.
Course Outcomes:
Course No. PSSOTC303
Title: Perspectives on Indian Society
Objective: The thrust of this paper is to acquaint the students with the Sociology of India. It deals with the emergence and understanding of Indian Society, the theoretical underpinnings of the complexity of society and also the whole discourse contextualizing Sociology in and for India.
Course Outcomes:
Course No. PSSOTE 304
Title: Gender & Society
Objective: The objective of this course is to trace the evolution of Gender as a category of social analysis and the major debates that have emerged related to it. This course aims to sensitize and familiarise the students with different theoretical feminist perspectives on women and gender issues in Indian society.
Course Outcome:
Course No. PSSOTE305
Title: Sociology of Religion
Objective: This paper aims to familiarise the students with religious practices and beliefs in various human cultures to consider the main sociological theories of religion and to analyze the various types of religious organizations in different societies. The course also intends to introduce students to the religions of India and their main components.
Course Outcome:
Course No. PSSOTE306
Title: Crime, Law & Society
Objective: The paper aims to familiarize the students with the interdisciplinary understanding of Crime, Law and society. The legal system is a reflection of society as all laws emanate from society and are applied in society. Students shall be exposed to current debates on the treatment of offenders, increasing crime rate etc. They shall be taken for a visit to a Model Police Station and Prison for a practical understanding of the evolving legal system and the application of a rehabilitative approach.
Course Outcomes
Course No. PSSOTE307
Title: Sociology of Education
Objective: This course contextualizes the study of education within the discipline of Sociology. Education is a powerful instrument of social change. The course on the Sociology of Education intends to familiarize the students with the sociological theories and perspectives of the Sociology of Education and Educational Policies in India.
Course Outcome:
Course No. PSSOTO308
Title: Understanding Society
Objective: To familiarize the students with the basic concepts evolved in understanding the social and cultural processes. It is organized in such a way that even students without previous exposure to Sociology could acquire an interest in the subject and follow it.
Course Outcomes:
Course No. PSSOTC401
Title: Modernity, Culture & Society
Objective: This course is designed to grasp how institutions have come to shape individuals and organise an image of what it means to be modern. It tends to explore the tensions between the promises of modernity as personal freedom and autonomy and its unintended consequences. This course would reflect upon the functional and cultural differentiation as reflexive traditions of modernity to make sense of multiple forms of modernity.
Course Outcome:
Course No. PSSOTC402
Title: Rural Society and Transformation in India
Objective: This course aims to develop a greater understanding of the students about Rural Sociology, change in rural society in India, and peasant and village studies. The course will familiarise the students with the issue of agrarian rural structure and agrarian movements in India. It would specifically focus on rural problems and rural development programmes in India.
Course Outcome:
Course No. PSSOTC403
Title: Urban Sociology
Objective: Urbanization has become an important feature of contemporary life. This paper aims to familiarize the students with the related studies and perspectives on this sub-discipline. By historically tracing the process of urbanization in India, students shall be made to analyze its social impact and study the resultant problems.
Course Outcomes:
Course No. PSSOTE404
Title: Sociology of Health and Sanitation
Objective: This course aims to provide the students with an interdisciplinary understanding of Health and Sanitation in society. The focus of this course is on issues related to health, the state's role in health care in India and the Sociology of Sanitation in India.
Course Outcome:
Course No. PSSOTE405
Title: Political Sociology
Objective: This course aims to acquaint students with the nature and functioning of political systems and political processes. It also intends to make the students aware of the prerequisites of a sound democratic political system and its vulnerability.
Course Outcome:
Course No. PSSOTE 406
Title: Peace and Conflict Studies
Objective: This course aims to introduce students to the origins, concepts, theories, perspectives and dynamics of the major guiding visions that have evolved as integral parts of Peace and Conflict Studies discourse. This will also provide students with a common language and precision in their understanding and skills for examining the dimensions, obstacles and opportunities in peace to equip them with critical thinking on conflict resolution and provide appropriate examples and references for future explorations.
Course Outcomes:
Course No. PSSOTO407
Title: Marginalized Communities in India
Objective: This Course aims to focus on those segments of the population which have lived on the margins of society and which have not received, until recently adequate scholarly attention. The focus of the paper is on the process of marginalisation and the groups & communities which have suffered extreme poverty, deprivation and discrimination over a long period.
Course outcomes:
Name | Designation | Qualification | Specialization | Contact Info. |
Prof. Vishav Raksha | Professor & Head | M.A (Sociology), UGC-NET/ JRF, M.Phil, DLL & LW (Pune), Ph.D. | Gender and Subaltern studies, Community studies, Media & Folklore studies. | E-mail: vraksha2@gmail.com, sociology.1999@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: |
Dr. Hema Gandotra | Associate Professor | M.A (Sociology), Ph.D. UGC/NET, ICSSR Fellow, Dip. in Journalism & Mass Comm., Certificate Course in Human Rights. | Marginalized group studies, Community studies and Gender studies. | E-mail: gandotrahema@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: |
Dr. Sapna Sharma | Assistant Professor | MA, Ph. D. | Crime, Law & Society, Conflict studies, Community development | E-mail: sapksangra6@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: |
Ms. Kajal Kalsi | Assistant Professor | M.A, M.Phil, UGC-NET/JRF, PhD (Pursuing) | Sociology of Forced Migration, Borderland studies, Sociology of Gender, Caste studies | E-mail: kajalkalsi@jammuuniversity.ac.inEPABX: Mobile No.: |
Dr. Diksha Nargotra | Lecturer | MA, MPhil, PhD, NET-JRF, B.Ed | E-mail: Diksha.aug18@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: | |
Dr. Gopal Krishan Sharma | Lecturer | MA, MPhil, PhD, NET-JRF, B.Ed | E-mail: sgopal209@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: |